Thursday, September 22, 2011

Frugal Living (in general)

This blog is about living frugally (but well). In case anyone needs a stronger foundation for this kind of lifestyle, here's a great link: 7 Habits of Highly Frugal People. It's a summary of the book by that title. While I'm not trying to say that college won't lead to a higher salary (so that you can stop living frugally), there are reasons to continue living frugally even if you do end up making a generous salary after graduation. It's all about creating a nice cushion in your bank account so that you never really have to worry about money when you need it. Here are my reasons for living frugally (even if you can afford not to):

1. Save money for a rainy day --- Just think about all the people who have recently lost their jobs because of the economy. Many of them probably had high-paying jobs before they were laid-off. The ones who lived frugally are probably enjoying a nice "sabbatical" while they wait for a job opening. The thing about living frugally is that you will never worry about losing your job or about having enough money if the economy starts sucking because your savings account will always have a nice "cushion".

2. Being frugal is not the same as being "cheap" --- Being "cheap" is when you try to get discounts on things that cost only a buck or deprive yourself because you don't want to let go of your money. Being frugal is just shopping for the right prices and knowing where and how to do that. For a more official definition, the Free Dictionary defines frugal as, "practising economy; living without waste; thrifty". Economists like talking about maximizing utility. Being frugal is maximizing your dollar and not wasting it. If you make frugal living a habit, you won't have to say 'no' to going to a nice restaurant with your friends or getting that pair of shoes that you need for an important interview because your bank account will have a cushion. Also, if you're cooking your own meals and not eating at restaurants on a regular basis, the times you do go will be that much more enjoyable. If you get good enough at cooking, your own meals might even start tasting better than the restaurant meals!

3. It's good for the environment --- For every thing or service you save on, there's probably a benefit to the environment too. I'm not saying that everyone in the world seriously gives a sh*t about the environment, but if you do, living frugally will put less waste out there. Everything you buy has some kind of packaging that ends up either in the garbage or in the recycling bin. Yes, recycling is "good" but it also takes energy to process that recycling. This is why I love going to thrift stores - it maximizes my money but at the same time, I'm consuming something that would have gone to a landfill otherwise.

For more information on what materialism does to people, check out this video:

4. Never feel deprived --- Perhaps this one's a little more zen than some of my readers want to see, but living frugally is very much like vegetarianism. It's a way of thinking that non-frugal people might think is somehow depriving but it really isn't. I'm sure vegetarians don't miss meat after they get used to it. Similarly, I have everything I want, even though most of my possessions are second-hand and I spend less money than most of my friends. It's about re-prioritizing your desires so that your money goes where it needs to go. Restaurant meals might feel like a necessity until you realize that you can make the same thing at home and it's healthier, tastes better, and costs much less.

I'm not going to pretend that this post is going to convert everyone to "frugalism" overnight, but there are compelling reasons for doing so in a crappy economy. The working poor and many college students need to be frugal by necessity but it doesn't mean that others can't be frugal too. If we all think about what we're buying and how it affects our environment, maybe the planet will last longer. Think of frugalism as an all encompassing consumption diet - it will make you and the planet feel better.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Pike fish in the toaster oven

I was at haymarket last week and found some pike fish in the store where I usually buy tuna and salmon. Here's a video of how I prepared it:

The reason I chose the pike fish steak was because it looked very fresh and I had never tried it before. The tuna looked good too but I had that the previous week. In this video, I marinated it quickly with soy sauce, Frank's hot sauce, and some black pepper. It was simple because I wanted to taste the fish and adding more seasoning would just overpower the delicate flavor of the fish, I assumed. It was the first time I had ever cooked pike. Then, I chopped up some mushrooms, basil leaves, and chili peppers to create a "bed" for the fish on the toaster oven tray.

Cooking process:
I put it in the toaster oven for 8 minutes using the bake function at 350F. Then, I flipped it over and broiled it for another 8 minutes at 350F. However, when I took it out, the fish was still a little raw on the inside. So, I put it back in the toaster oven for 5 more minutes on the broil function. After that, the fish was perfectly done. So, the total cooking time was 21 minutes. Perhaps 10 to 11 minutes on each side would be the formula for cooking this fish.

How did it taste?
This fish is a flaky white fish and has a delicate flavor. The soy sauce enhances the flavor a bit. It's very tender when cooked like this and the mushrooms were also done nicely. However, I might not prepare the mushrooms in the same way next time. They would probably be better if they were sauteed in a frying pan with the peppers and basil leaves in some olive oil and soy sauce.

If anyone has any other ideas of what to make in the toaster oven, please leave a comment!