Monday, May 7, 2012

Orion Choco Pies and Pandan Cakes

Honestly, these are not my favorite Asian snack cakes. However, they're probably something kids might like to eat. The Choco pie has marshmallow in between the cake part and pandan cakes have green stuff in the middle. Kids love eating green things that aren't vegetables, right? I'm not sure what a pandan is but it seems to be a normal thing to put in cakes. I've seen other brands of pandan cake at C-Mart. Try 'em if you're in the mood for cake with green stuff in the middle or if you need a gift for a 4-year old...

Anyway, I'm not a fan of these but kids might like them. 'Nuff said. Here are some pictures.
Orion Choco-Pie and Pandan cake

Orion Choco-Pie and Pandan cake

Orion Choco-Pie and Pandan cake

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